

Anaesthetist Support at the Villa Dental Clinic

The Villa Dental Clinic offers its patients the assistance and support of our highly qualified and experienced anaesthetist, Dr. Lucia Capellaro, during all implant and oral surgery. Her experience in the field of Anaesthetics, Intensive care and Pain Control Therapy is at international level. She has been a speaker at courses and congresses on Anaesthesia in Day Surgery and Regional Anaesthesia, in Italy and abroad.

It is always advisable to have an anaesthetist present during surgery on patients with serious cardiac-respiratory problems in order to guarantee the patient’s safety and to help prevent post-surgical pain and promote a feeling of well-being and tranquillity during the operation. In fact, the patient is given an intravenous injection which allows a painkiller, gastric protector and, if necessary, tranquilliser to be administered to keep the patient as comfortable as possible.

All surgery is carried out in our operating theatre where the strictest sterile procedures are adhered to. The operating theatre is equipped with a cardiac-monitor, defibrillator, blood pressure gauge, oxygen supply. The anaesthetist will also monitor vital functions closely (ECG; 0xygen Saturimetry, etc )

For further information about the Villa Dental Clinic’s services and techniques you can visit the website

Villa Dental Clinic: bridging the gap between health and beauty.

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