

Digital Radiology at the Villa Dental Clinic

The radiology equipment of the Villa Dental Clinic is at our dentists’ disposal for every eventuality they have to deal with.

The machines are all digital and online which means that the images can be viewed immediately from any computer throughout the Clinic.
All patients are first given a panoramic  x-ray to check if there are any bone or dental problems and identify areas of bone where eventual implants might be placed. . Should disease be detected, further, more in-depth periapical (classic dental)  x-rays will be taken. These are much smaller in size but more accurate and detailed.

The Clinic also possesses a latest generation CATSCAN: a Cone Beam Volumetric Tomography.
It is the most advanced model with the best volumetric data acquisition available at present on the market: The Kavo 3D eXam

There are numerous benefits to having diagnostic machinery of this level at our disposal:

1) the amount of radiation is much lower compared to a traditional Catscan.
With a traditional Catscan the patient is subjected to a dose of radiation equivalent to 60 panoramic x-rays, while with the Cone Beam the amount of radiation given is at most equivalent to 3 or 4 panoramics.

2)  the areas to be checked can be pinpointed with greater precision, thus avoiding radiating adjacent areas to no purpose.

patients undergoing implant restoration or oral surgery in critical areas of the mouth ( e.g. ingrown mandibular wisdom teeth) can be examined immediately within the Clinic.

4) the quality of the image is perfectly comparable to that of the traditional Catscan and can be loaded onto Nobelguide or Materialiste software for digital surgical planning

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Villa Dental Clinic: the best dental technology and a first-rate staff of dentists

The Villa Dental Clinc not only offers its patients the best dental technology , but also a first-class staff of dentists, able to meet any medical need and to follow the patient in all phases of therapy.

Depending on the areas of action, three professionals , supported by a strong staff, carry out medical activities of the Clinic.

Dr. Roberto Villa

Dr. Roberto Villa has a degree in Medicine ( MD ), 1979 and a degree in Dentistry ( DDS ), 1984, both from Turin University. He has attended seminars and courses at the most prestigious centres for Osseointegration in Sweden. Since the late nineties he has concentrated his attention on immediate function especially in post-extraction sites and has developed innovative surgical protocols, published articles and held lectures on this subject in Italy and abroad. His particular interest has been for computer-guided implant surgery for which he has created a personal protocol for use with Nobelguide in post-extraction sites and in complex situations where the residual bone is extremely limited. In the past few years his attention has focused on implant aesthetics especially in post-extraction cases.

Dr. Massimiliano Rossin

Over the years he has continued to attend professional development courses in the various branches of his profession, in particular those regarding cosmetic, minimally invasive and preservative dentistry. At present his work mainly focuses on prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry having just completed a new advanced one-year course on prostheses with Dr. Mauro Fradeani in 2008 .

Dr. Ermenegildo Ferla

He has attended courses on orthodontics held by very important national and international lecturers such as: R.M.Rickets, C. Gugino, I. Dus, P. Bracco, G. Fiorelli. He obtained his “ Invisalign “ certificate in 2007 He is a member of the Societa italiana di Ortognatodonzia Bioprogressiva ( S. I. O. B. ) and the Associazione italiana di Gnatologia ( A. I. G. )

Dr. Lucia Capellaro

Her experience in the field of Anaesthetics, Intensive care and Pain Control Therapy is at international level. She has been a speaker at courses and congresses on Anaesthesia in Day Surgery and Regional Anaesthesia, in Italy and abroad. The Villa Dental Clinic has been using her services since 2002.

At the Villa Dental Clinic the relationship of trust with the the patient comes first , and each of our professionals is not simply a doctor but can become your dentist.

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Villa Dental Clinic: some successful cases.

At the Villa Dental Clinic we deal every day with complex clinical cases and, at times, with seemingly impossible to solve ones. Thanks to our experience and the preparation of our staff, however,
our patients always come back home satisfied and finally with a perfect smile . Here is a brief review of some real cases of success treated in the clinic.

Case details
This patient of 73, who had a chronic coagulation deficit, came to us for examination as he was interested in total restoration with implants. In a situation like this, the greatest risk was from possible haemorrhaging during and/or post-operation, especially in  traditional-type surgery where the gum is stripped back. With the patient conscious but under sedation, we operated first, on the upper jaw, and then after two weeks, on the lower jaw. In both operations the teeth were extracted and the implants placed using minimally invasive procedures. In both the upper and the lower jaws of the patient the provisional crowns were screwed directly on to the implants  the day after surgery.

Case details
This patient of 50 had had a removable partial denture on the upper jaw for years and the remaining teeth were very loose due to chronic periodontal disease. With the patient conscious but under sedation , we extracted the teeth and positioned the implants with the help of a surgical template obtained from a computerised plan ( Nobelguide ) which allowed us to keep surgical invasiveness to a minimum. At the same time we corrected the gum recession with connective tissue grafts. The following day the patient was provided with temporary fixed crowns screwed directly on to the implants. The permanent crowns were fitted 6 months after surgery

Case details
This patient of 18 was referred to us by her dentist two days after a road accident in which she had suffered the loss of a lateral incisor and upper right canine. Four days after this traumatic event two implants were placed directly into the sockets using flapless surgery to prevent scarring and recession of tissues in an area of the mouth which is extremely important from an aesthetic point of view. The same day as the operation, the patient was restored with two temporary crowns in resin screwed on to the implants. After 6 months these crowns were replaced with two single all ceramic crowns.

To read about other cases and for further informations on the techniques used at the Villa Dental Clinic go to our website .

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Villa Dental Clinica: leader in Europe in computer-guided implantology.

The introduction of digital technology combined with Roberto Villa‘s vast experience in the field of immediate loading has generated significant added benefit for the patient. The Villa Dental Clinic uses the Nobelguide system for digital surgical planning which represents a breakthrough in oral implantology. A scan of the patient’s jaw is transformed by Nobelguide software into a 3D model which allows the computer to find the optimum position for the implants. The imaging is then sent via Internet to a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Sweden where a tailor-made surgical template is produced. This template allows us to be extremely precise when transferring the surgical plan carried out by us on the computer directly into the patient’s mouth.

The first advantage of this technology is that it reduces the invasiveness of surgery ( Flapless surgery ). As a consequence physiological healing of tissues is quicker and pain, bleeding and swelling, normally associated with traditional implantology, are more or less absent. Most patients can usually get back to their everyday lives the following day. Another great advantage of this technology is that it can exploit areas of bone for positioning the implants, which cannot be detected in traditional surgery. This allows us to reduce enormously the number and duration of operations we have to perform on patients with limited amounts of bone.. Therefore, self-generated bone grafts (from the hip, skullcap or intraoral areas) or complex procedures of bone regeneration can be avoided, all in the patient’s interests.

Furthermore, the Nobelguide system has been adapted by us so that it can be applied not only to the treatment of completely edentulous (toothless) patients but also to those requiring the extraction of remaining teeth. Thus, even in extremely complicated situations where there is a lack of residual bone, teeth can be extracted, implants placed in position and residual bone reconstructed with biomaterials, all in the one sitting. And also in these very complex cases we can provide the patient with a fixed, temporary crown to satisfy aesthetic and functional needs within 24 hours,at the most. In order to obtain the best aesthetic and functional results from dental implants, surgical invasiveness has to be kept to a minimum, operating times short, and survival in time high.

The Villa Dental Clinic is a leader in Europe in the field of computer-guided implantology and resolves everyday clinical cases normally labeled as impossible.
Visit our website for more informations about us and our innovative clinical procedures.

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Dr. Roberto Villa to present a scientific paper at the International Conference of Implantology 2010 in Rome.

Dr. Roberto Villa will participate in the International Conference of Implantology 2010 in Rome dedicated to the theme: “A new paradigm in implantology.”

The conference will be attended by 200 of the best Italian and foreign specialists in dental implants and the results of various specialized studies on new solutions for dental implants will be presented

Dr. Roberto Villa is presenting the results of his study dedicated to flapless surgery in post-extractive rehabilitation : “Flapless surgery in immediate post-extraction rehabilitations: a tour between biology and aesthetics. “ The techniques presented in this paper are currently in use at the Villa Dental Clinic.

Dr. Roberto Villa has a degree in Medicine (MD), 1979 and a degree in Dentistry (DDS), 1984, both from Turin University. He has attended seminars and courses at the most prestigious centres for Osseointegration in Sweden. Since the late 90s he has concentrated his attention on immediate function especially in post-extraction sites and has developed innovative surgical protocols, published articles and held lectures on this subject in Italy and abroad. His particular interest has been for computer-guided implant surgery for which he has created a personal protocol for use with Nobelguide in post-extraction sites and in complex situations where the residual bone is extremely limited. In the past few years his attention has focused on implant aesthetics especially in post-extraction cases.

Roberto Villa, Opinion leader of NobelBiocare, holds courses for advanced implant surgery with Live Surgery at the Villa Dental Clinic. He is an active member of the European Academy of Osteointegration. Practice limited to surgery and implant prostheses.

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